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April 30, 2009



I started scrappin when I was 13, so 13 years ago and it was all neon paper and stickers! It has come a long way since than! And a JoAnn, Michael, and Robert inspire me! An Alicia too!


I started scrapbooking around 1999 and supplies have improved quite a bit :). I'm inspired by the creativity of others. There are some amazing scrappers out there!

Kelli Cox

I started Scrapbooking when I was thirteen so its been 16 years ago. Wow! Boy its been fun to look back and see my improvements and the changes made in the Scrapbooking industry! They have LOTS of great and fun stuff out there now days. But I have to say the thing that INSPIRES me the most are my four beautiful children. I love to look back at the memories made, so I hope my children will look back on all the memories we have made as a family and there own individual success and enjoy it for now and many many years to come!!!!


I recently started paper scrapping. I've been digiscrapping for about 5 or 6 years now and just wanted to try out paper scrapping. What inspires me is the beauty around me. My daughter, my dogs, my life.

Mary Mac

I have been making "albums" since high school. That was in the 70's. Didn't have the paper or diecut machines we have now.

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