When I received my Tag order a couple of weeks ago, my boxes had a ton of packing peanuts, so instead of getting rid of them, I combined them into one box and now its Gulianna's favorite thing to play with...at least for a while, until she starts grabbing the paper again. Anyway the first time I set her in the box she sat there looking at all the peanuts, and then she started rumbling her legs, it was so funny! She kept kicking her legs until she got buried in all the packing peanuts, what a little gizzard munch. {don't ask where we got that name, its amazing what you can come up with, that's a whole other post right there!} I wish I had my camcorder here, because its so funny, maybe I'll bring it here sometime. She's a cutie! {dad throwing packing peanuts in the air, Gulianna is saying "gee that's great..."} {"enough already..."} {"geeeeeez..."}