I should have known this would be coming soon. Yesterday when I was getting ready, my face lotion bottle fell off the counter and Gulianna was playing with it. When I looked down, she had unscrewed the lid and was scraping all the lotion that was inside the lid and smearing it on her hands and legs. It wasn't enough to even make a "real" mess...BUT THEN, we get to work today, and I put Gulianna in her playpin, {I just started using it last week} and she wanted to get out, so I let her out, and she was crawling around {like usual} then a customer came into the store. I was working on an order, and I thought Gulianna is too quiet~yeah I should have known better...I walked on the other side of the counter and couldn't believe my eyes. She actually opened the paint. {She always plays with the MM paint} But has never been smart enough until NOW, to open it. {She must have put 2 and 2 together from the lotion bottle} I put her in a new outfit that my mom bought a couple of weeks ago. I didn't even get a chance to take her pictures in her new outfit...before she ruined them. She started clapping when I looked at her. The lady that was here, said you better take your pictures now...
By the time I carried Gulianna to the sink to wash her hands, the paint had already dried. Plus I didn't have any extra clothes, so I just let her wear the paint for the rest of the day. Besides her hands looked kinda cute with orange paint all over them. No I didn't even wash her hands. And No she doesn't put her fingers in her mouth.
{Notice Gulianna's schmuck face in the 2nd picture}
She knew she was into TROUBLE!
Now my only problem is to figure out how to get the paint out of the carpet. I'm waiting for Levi to bring some stain remover!
***By the way I did NOT edit these pictures! The paint is really that bright!