Last week, just a day after Levi had told me that I shouldn't set Isabella on the counter, I went to the bathroom, 2 minutes later I came back to find her on her side right at the edge of the counter, just teetering-literally, I ran and grabbed her off the counter! Holy crap...she just had to start rolling on her side, she's only 6 weeks {well was, I guess she's 7 now!} I am so glad that I got there in time, how sad would that have been.
And then this weekend, I put her on her stomach on the Boppy Pillow, I ran upstairs to grab something, came back down 2 minutes later and she was off the pillow and about 3 feet away from it. She kicked herself forward and kept scooting on! I set her on the counter to keep her away from Gulianna...if I put her in the playpin, then Gulianna wants to get in. I am always right here by her though, and now if I have to go to the bathroom I put her in the playpin!
This is her today...she scooted over in less than a minute, right before my eyes!