So on Tuesday...I decided that I'm not waiting for an approval on paint colors...I'm just going to paint. Starting with the girls' room, and it looks so much better!
I stayed up till 2am...Levi will finish all the edges this weekend :)
- hang metal flowers & curtains
- paint bed frames
- paint nightstand
- sew ric rac on bed skirt
- buy ribbon for picture frames
- buy brown sheets & a pillowcase
I still haven't for sure decided on a color for the bed frames...I think I am still going to go with an off white, unless someone has a better suggestion! We have the same bed for Isa, but we need a mattress for it...and for now she sleeps in her crib! We finally kicked her out of our bed a month or so ago :) I also need to get some picture frames for Isa...but Rod Works doesn't have that same red in the frames anymore! I bought those when I was pregnant with Gulianna. Plus I never got her pictures taken last fall like I wanted too...I need to hurry and do that!