Got these cute and colorful bucket containers at the dollar hold my cleaning products...which I only use Melaleuca...simply the best, and safe for your home and children. All natural and non toxic! Which is why I don't freak out every time Anthony pulls them out from the cupboard every hour! Most all of the cleaning products come concentrated, so you add water at home...
I seriously use every cleaning product! I'm telling you they are the best...especially tub and tile, it works soooo good it would probably take the black off a black person! Wait...did I just say that...well ya know what I mean. {know that I'm joking, and mean no harm} Try it and you'll know what I'm talking about!
You have to think of Melaleuca's membership as like shopping at Costco or Sam's. But way better, because they are the best products in the world. If you don't have a membership and would be interested in knowing more, email me! at aliciavking{at}hotmail{dot}com. Now through the 16th are $1 memberships!