after being sick all week, and stuck in the house, i couldn't take it any more! and i felt bad for anthony soon as i said "anthony do you want to go outside?" he instantly started hyperventilating and walking fast saying "shoes, shoes" as he was looking for his shoes! poor kid! the girls go outside every day, but not him! i was going to have him play in the back, but now we have a huge trench out there along with the huge hole for the root cellar. the toys were all wet, and as soon as he figured that out he went straight for the water that was melting off the roof. that's when i grabbed the wagon.
we went for a walk to get a candy bar at the gas station. "brutus" followed us for about 5 blocks...and then ran off somewhere. i was secretly hoping he found a new place to hang out at, but he found his way back the next day. he's such a mangy cat, and the first time he ran in our house i gave him a good kick off our front porch. the next time he does that, i'll get the gun. the neighbor girl insists that it's "our cat" and we need to feed it. they have a cat, and so the girls like to say this one is their's. levi says "he's not our cat. he's is own cat." ha ha! ya that's right. i'm allergic to cats, so therefore i don't like being around them.
we got our chocolate and then went to cherrie's house for a bit, to warm up and visit. and then headed back home. it's nice to be outside after being cooped up in the house for ever!
anthony fell asleep right before we got home, about a half a block away...his second time doing that!