starting today? ugh...everytime i open this door, i shut it!
this is my future scrapbooking room...aka the "sun room." before it was used to house however many dogs...and they used it as their bathroom too. levi ripped out the carpet, or "furrpet" as i like to call it, swept it and then colton unloaded all my stuff in here. actually no that's not how it went. he was suppose to unload it here, instead he put the trailer load of stuff that didn't need to go in here. and all my stuff went in the chicken coop. ya i remember now. i was mad. so i had to switch everything, and dig for my scrapbooking stuff it was completely piled high in the other storage place. aka chicken coop.
anyway...this is where it is now. since i've been trying to scrapbook i've had to go through every box to find what i needed. first up was photo printer paper...then my tools, then my everything is everywhere now.
my job is to clear it out so levi can start to work on it. finally! new wiring and sheetrock, this will be the only room that has "real" walls...sheetrock, everything else is cheap woodpanelling fake walls. levi wanted me to move it all to the chicken coop, but there is no way it is all going to fit over there, it's completely full! so either i stack it all in my bedroom...OR...i move my hutch into the house right next to the kitchen table...yep, that's what i'm doing. actually it is what i was going to do when we started moving furniture in and he said no way! hmmm....
the only problem is that my big black hutch is 7 ft 3/8 inch tall and this room is 6 ft 11 inches tall...can you believe it!? so i'm sure hoping that when he rips off the hideous ceiling...we will have some room to work with? please i hope so, or i guess were cutting an inch off my hutch. there is a lot of windows...i have to decide which one(s) to cover up. i need some wall space for my decor. but i will love all the light to work in! you can afford it...ugh, such a pain. i envy people that have money and can remodel in a matter of weeks, instead of months... without waiting! oh least we are out of debt. almost...paying off our car loan this fall! enough complaining...i know i know. to tackle this mess.