i stayed up late last night searching my entire computer for birthday pictures. and family pictures that we took in 2012. and i can't find them??
i don't understand. my computer must have deleted them?
i tried to recover them using some program i just downloaded but it didn't pull up anything. only recent stuff that has been deleted.
i'm missing august, september, october, november of 2012 - which of course would include anthony's 2nd birthday, jeremy's birth, our fall family photos, halloween photos. plus i can't find photos from gulianna's birthday just from last august and her 1st grade pictures i took.
i don't understand!
i'm hoping i have some of 2012 on levi's laptop, which is broken, but i can still access files. but for photos that were taken last august...where could they have gone? so disappointing. this is why i must blog daily now for fear of losing photos. and backing them up too.
my computer has been acting up again, and just shutting down and saying it's "dumping physical memory" does that mean it's erasing my photos? now i'm paranoid and trying to check all of them. if any one knows please let me know!