jeremy woke up this morning with a rash all over...poor kid. i knew instantly it was from the amoxicillin. he took it for 6 days, and then i forgot to give it to him yesterday because i was cleaning ALL DAY LONG. shoot. good thing, i guess. it was bound to happen. levi is allergic to penicillin. he gets a rash all over and then his skin sheds like a snake. crap. not looking forward to this. it doesn't seem to bother him, even though he looks miserable. even is palms of his hands and the bottoms of his feet are covered. it's hard to photograph.
this morning he jumped in the bathtub with anthony, like he always does, and i didn't notice until he got out. when i went to pick up anthony from kindergarten, i told him that jeremy was home with a really bad rash all over. anthony said "you mean the polka dots from the bathtub? i saw that jeremy had polka dots all over!" i asked him why he didn't tell me right away and he said "i didn't know they were bad!"
it was pretty funny. polka dots.