yay for getting this place cleaned up. early when i had taken the photo, this was the only corner that was walkable. always a mess in here, most of the times it's creative. last week our old water heater took a dump, so levi came home from work early to try and fix it. didn't work. so he replaced it with a new one, thank goodness he's a handy man ;) the water heater closet/access is actually behind that old door so all my crap had to be moved out of the way. not that i already had a mess in here any way! worked my way through and got it cleaned up and reorganized in a few hours. now to get rid of my piles and clear off my table. then i'm good again for the next creative storm. always a process! meanwhile... our water lines are backed up. either legos that went down the drain...or who knows?? i called levi again from work, so he's been home for 3 hours trying to figure it out. they say that things come in threes. i do want a new washer and dryer, ha ha! crap. better start saving.